Oxycare Medical Hyperbaric Centre is pleased to announce our centre has received accreditation from the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS)- Joint Commission.The UHMS accreditation is the gold standard in hyperbaric facility accreditation.
The UHMS HFA program is the only hyperbaric specific accreditation to be recognized by The Joint Commission as a Complementary Accrediting organization under the TJC’S Cooperative Agreement Initiative .
UHMS Accreditation means our facility has met or exceeded the highest standards of care and patient safety through rigorous evaluation of our operations, including equipment, staff and training to ensure that the utmost quality is maintained within the specialty of undersea and hyperbaric medicine and that patients are treated using a medical device- class Ilb delivering clinical Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in a Multi-Place Pressure Chamber System designed and manufactured to comply with the strict statutory provisions of Regulation (EU)2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the council of 5’h April 2017 as amended byRegulation (EU) 2020/437 of the 24’h March 2020 on the harmonized standards for medical devices drafted in support of the council Directive 93/42/EEC and with ISEN 14931 (2006) on pressure vessels for Human occupancy (PVHO).
